Puzzone di Moena PDO: the certified excellence.

The cheese “Puzzone di Moena PDO”, like all products characterized by a quality certification, are a core of the agro-food references of “Made in Italy”.
In fact, a recent survey carried out by an expert in the sector has shown that 96% of consumers know and appreciate them,
so to see on the label the PDO and PGI mark is synonymous of superior quality.
However, although extremely appreciated by users, the same approval is not found in the recognition by the large distribution of an adequate value that, regardless of the operational and economic efforts underlying the production of these important commercial vehicles, continue to mortify the appreciation, imposing a purchase price certainly not harmonious to the real needs of producers.
Keep a certification determines a bureaucratic-administrative commitment and costs of obvious level and expensive, which is why failure to recognize these could, unfortunately, to determine the abandonment of this commercial development with the impoverishment of the related market.
This would result in the closure of farms and the downsizing of dairies to shift the focus towards a more streamlined production, without all the constraints that burden producers both for higher costs and for more complex and demanding procedures.
Turning towards the transformation of milk into products of lower production cost and low value, although of high commercial demand, would lead to the restriction of the supply of high quality products, which are a hallmark of mountain dairy traditions and culture.
The loss of this high level of “quality” would essentially impoverish the entire productive sector.
In summary, there is frequently an underestimation in the offer compared to products of lower quality with exploitation of the brand and certification in order to draw the attention of the consumer to other products, characterized by greater margins.
It would be important for the authorities responsible to launch a central scientific investigation to verify the critical issues that this practice, now highly common, given the disappearance of cc.dd. neighborhood shops
to the advantage of the increase of the distribution’s corporation, can determine in the short/medium term and adopt the right corrective measures, suitable to guarantee the existence of the small national dairy businesses, always synonymous with authenticity, naturalness and eco-sustainability.